진로(영어) 30

Department of Cultural Heritage Preservation - Students' career choice?

Students' career choice, which department should I choose? ◆ Department of Cultural Heritage Preservation ◆ Department of Cultural Heritage Preservation Ⅰ. A student like this should choose the Department of Cultural Heritage Preservation... The Department of Cultural Heritage Conservation is an appropriate major for the following students: 1. Students with a deep interest in cultural heritage a..

진로(영어) 2024.02.19

Department of Logistics System Engineering - Students' career choice?

Students' career choice, which department should I choose? ◆ Department of Logistics System Engineering ◆ Department of Logistics System Engineering Ⅰ. Students like this should choose the Department of Logistics Systems Engineering... The Department of Logistics Systems Engineering is a suitable major for the following students. 1. Students with interest and passion for logistics and supply cha..

진로(영어) 2024.02.19