
Culture and Tourism Department - Students' career choice?

교육지키미 2024. 2. 19. 09:25

Students' career choice,

which department should I choose?


◆ Culture and Tourism Department ◆


Culture and Tourism Department


Ⅰ. A student like this should choose the Department of Culture and Tourism...

The Department of Culture and Tourism is a suitable major for the following students.
1. Students interested in culture and travel
The Department of Culture and Tourism is a major suitable for students with a deep interest and passion for culture and tourism. Students who want to expand their knowledge of cultural heritage, tourist attractions, cultural events, etc. and improve cultural sensitivity through various cultural experiences and travel can choose the Department of Culture and Tourism.
2. Students interested in the tourism industry and event planning
The Department of Culture and Tourism is a major that provides knowledge about the tourism industry and event planning. Therefore, students with interests and capabilities in tourism industry trends and strategies, event planning and operation, etc. can choose the Department of Culture and Tourism. You can contribute to the growth and development of the tourism industry and play a role in planning and operating various cultural events.
3. Students skilled in communication and public service
Communication and popular services are important elements in the Culture and Tourism Department. Students can convey the value of cultural tourism through communication and collaboration with various people and provide rich experiences and services to tourists. Therefore, students who are good at communication and public service and enjoy interacting with tourists can choose the Department of Culture and Tourism.
4. Students interested in cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism
The Department of Culture and Tourism is a major that provides knowledge about cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism. Students will learn how to recognize and preserve cultural heritage values and become interested in sustainable tourism models and environmental protection. Contribute to tourism development and management that takes into account the sustainability of cultural heritage and tourism resources.
The Department of Culture and Tourism is suitable for students who are interested in culture and travel, students who are interested in the tourism industry and event planning, students who are good at communication and public services, and students who are interested in cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism. This is my major. Through this, students can acquire specialized knowledge about various cultures and travel, improve their tourism industry and event planning skills, and develop capabilities to contribute to cultural heritage preservation and sustainable tourism.

Ⅱ. Culture and Tourism Department Overview

The Department of Culture and Tourism aims to foster competent and enterprising tourism experts who will lead the future tourism industry in the era of the well-being industry and to nurture specialized tourism field experts. The Department of Culture and Tourism aims to train airline flight attendants, airline ground staff, hoteliers, and employees needed for the tourism service industry to support the tourism industry.

Ⅲ. Cultural tourism and related occupations

Ship and train cabin crew, travel product development center, travel guide, hotelier, hotel manager

Ⅳ. Cultural tourism and related qualifications

Tourist interpretation guide, domestic travel guide, cultural heritage education expert, convention planner level 2, hotel management, hotel management, hotel service provider

Ⅴ. Cultural tourism and characteristics

The world places importance on individual happiness and health, and is paying attention to changes in integrated future society such as individual leisure, active senior culture, slow healing food, convergence cultural tourism content, development of mobile cutting-edge technology, professional care, and retirement planning. As such, the era of creative convergence of cultural tourism, where each specialized field of the future industry is linked, is expected to arrive, creating a need for global tourism experts who can lead the cultural tourism industry and contribute to improving people's leisure and quality of life.

Ⅵ. Fields of entry after graduating from the Department of Culture and Tourism

● Businesses and industries
Travel agencies, hotels, theme parks, airlines, event planning companies, etc.
● Government and public institutions
Public institutions such as Korea Tourism Organization

VII. Main subjects studied

● Travel industry practice
By focusing on the practical areas that are central to travel agency work, you will develop practical skills in the field of travel agency marketing and as a professional human resource.
● Tourism marketing
We increase the adaptability of tourism companies by providing in-depth education focusing on their marketing issues.
● Tourism laws and regulations
Focusing on the Basic Tourism Act and the Tourism Promotion Act that tourism operators and employees must be familiar with while working in the tourism industry, we learn various laws and regulations related to tourism, including the Tourism Promotion and Development Fund Act, the Tourist Complex Development Promotion Act, the Public Health Act, the Passport Act, the Natural Parks Act, and the Cultural Heritage Protection Act.
● Introduction to Tourism
Systematically establish academic concepts and theories in tourism and develop understanding of tourism phenomena and analysis skills of tourism structures.
● Leisure industry theory
The purpose is to learn various leisure theories in relation to the characteristics of modern society, leisure issues, emotional purification, and healthy living, and to hone habits, attitudes, and skills that can contribute to building a democratic society and improving culture.
● Tourism business theory
Learn about the travel industry, tourist accommodation industry, tourist transportation industry, casino industry, tourist use facility industry, international conference industry, amusement park facility industry, tourist convenience facility industry, theme park, and restaurant industry.